Sleep Medicine & Pulmonary Care


Sleep Medicine

Do you consistently wake up too early or have difficulty awakening? 你的鼾声会吵醒你或你的伴侣吗? Do you or your partner notice you wake up choking or gasping for breath? 这些和许多其他症状表明你可能有睡眠相关的问题或睡眠障碍. 研究表明,60%的美国成年人每周至少有几个晚上有睡眠问题. You may not even be aware of how tired you are, thinking that there is nothing wrong. The great news is most sleep-related problems and sleep disorders can be successfully treated.

安稳的睡眠对一生的健康是不可或缺的. 十大正规网赌软件睡眠中心致力于治疗成人和儿童的睡眠障碍和睡眠相关问题.


Sleep studies are tests that monitor what happens to your body during sleep. 睡眠障碍专家进行睡眠研究,找出导致睡眠问题的原因.

Sleep studies can also determine whether you have a problem with your stages of sleep. The two stages of sleep are non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). Normally, NREM and REM alternate four to five times during a night's sleep. A change in this cycle may make it hard for you to sleep soundly.


十大正规网赌软件的睡眠中心是一个特殊的医疗机构,旨在评估和治疗患有睡眠障碍和睡眠相关问题的成人和儿童. 然而,内部任命和私人, cozy décor of each room feels like a home away from home: patchwork quilts, 一个私人浴室和淋浴, 一台液晶电视和DVD播放机. 当然,还有一台Playstation游戏机® 给我们最年轻的客人3张.


睡眠中心是由 美国睡眠医学学会, 这意味着它符合最严格的标准,被评为睡眠障碍综合管理的卓越中心. Members of our staff are specially trained to study and evaluate people's sleep patterns. The results of our diagnostic studies are used to diagnose and treat sleep problems.


In the past, many sleep disorders were considered untreatable or consequences of normal aging. Today, many disorders can be diagnosed efficiently and treated successfully. There is heightened clinical interest and research in sleep medicine. 这种兴奋很大程度上源于我们快速成功地帮助人们克服睡眠困难的能力日益增强. Getting a good night's sleep can make a huge difference in a person's life, and The Sleep Center at 十大正规网赌软件 can help achieve this.


There are about 85 recognized sleep disorders, most of which are treatable. A sleep disorder disrupts and disturbs your overall quality of life. More than 70 million people in this country have a sleep disorder.

Many people who have sleep disorders may be completely unaware of it. Perhaps you think you just are sleeping too much or too little, or are tired due to jet lag. 有些睡眠行为可能只有你的床伴才能注意到, 比如移动你的胳膊或腿, talking, or sleepwalking. 或者也许你醒来时下巴疼痛,却不知道为什么.

Visit our health library to learn more about some of the most common disorders:

Heart Disease & Sleep Disorders: Untreated, obstructive sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, 不规则的心跳, 心力衰竭和中风. 治疗可以帮助改善呼吸,减轻症状的严重程度,如大声打鼾和白天过度嗜睡, thereby improving sleep-related quality of life and performance at work or in school.

The 美国睡眠医学学会 recommends these guidelines for good sleeping habits, 它可以用于所有类型的睡眠障碍:

  • 每天在同一时间起床.
  • 只有在困的时候才上床睡觉. 建立放松的睡前习惯, 比如洗个热水澡, 睡前小点心, 或者10分钟的阅读.
  • 定期锻炼. 把剧烈运动限制在一天的早些时候. 轻度运动应在睡前至少4小时进行.
  • 保持规律的作息. Normal times for meals, medications, and activities help keep our inner clocks running smoothly.
  • 睡前6小时内不要摄入咖啡因.
  • 不要喝酒,尤其是困的时候.


睡眠问题并不局限于成年人. Sleep disorders in children are common, from babies to toddlers to teens. Yet good quality sleep is vital during these years of growth and development. When children have problems with their sleep, it affects the whole family. 一切都受到影响:人际关系、学业和健康.

Sleep problems have increased significantly in children in recent decades. 2004年美国睡眠调查报告称,超过三分之二的儿童每周至少有几个晚上睡不着觉, and about 40 percent of teens have significant sleep complaints. The good news is that pediatric sleep disorders are treatable, and they can be prevented. A sleep study, 也被称为夜间多导睡眠图, 被美国儿科学会和美国睡眠医学学会认可为诊断儿童睡眠障碍的黄金标准. The AAP and the AASM strongly recommend a sleep study for any child with suspected sleep apnea.

我们的睡眠中心由委员会认证的医生和具有丰富儿科经验的注册睡眠技术人员组成.The Pediatric Sleep Center offers overnight polysomnography for children of all ages. All families have a private room complete with Sony Playstation 3 and TV/DVD, as well as in-room sleeping accommodations for the parent accompanying the child.


睡眠障碍有多种形式. The problem may be obvious; you may fall asleep constantly at meetings or your bed partner may wake you because of irregular breathing patterns. Symptoms may be more subtle or even unnoticeable; you may experience long-term fatigue or general irritability.

Some people realize they have a sleep disorder because of specific symptoms, 比如记得经常醒来. Others may have a sleep disturbance without realizing it at all, 睡眠中断发生得太短暂,以至于无法被记住. 主要症状是白天嗜睡, 哪个可能被认为是正常的, 不顾朋友的担心, 家人和同事.


  • Irregular breathing during sleep; excessive sleepiness during the day.
  • Falling asleep at inappropriate times (while driving, during meetings, etc.)
  • Temporary weakness of body or speech muscles occurring with excitement, anger or other strong emotions; sleep walking or talking.
  • 做噩梦或做令人不安的梦.
  • Having sleep-related seizures; difficulty with working nights or rotating shifts
  • 睡眠中反复运动或抽搐腿或手臂(可能只有同床者注意到)
  • 睡眠不足对睡眠的数量或质量不满意.
  • Difficulty with winter-time sleepiness or depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD).


你对睡眠到底了解多少? 测试你的知识



十大正规网赌软件提供服务 classes 在很多方面影响着你的健康和幸福,也可能影响你的睡眠健康, 比如体重管理, fitness, 心脏健康.

Sleep Web Sites

Journal SLEEP

Pulmonary Care

十大正规网赌软件的肺部服务专业于诊断和治疗与肺部和气道相关的问题,如哮喘, emphysema, sleep disorders, 肺间质性疾病和肺炎. In addition, 我们为肺癌患者和肺血管疾病患者提供全面的护理.

Check out our interactive guides for patients, families and caregivers:
学会如何与他人和睦相处 asthma (Español) or 慢性肺病(COPD) (Español).

A pulmonologist is specially trained in diseases and conditions of the chest, such as pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, 肺气肿或复杂的胸部感染.

并不是每个患有急性呼吸系统疾病或慢性呼吸系统疾病的人都需要肺科医生. 许多这些情况可以由普通内科医生处理. Their skills are usually needed for patients with complex pulmonary problems, such as emphysema, tuberculosis, asthma, 复杂的胸部感染, 艾滋病的肺部并发症, injury and complications of respiratory diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

主要的外科手术是由胸外科医生进行的. 然而,肺科医生通常会执行专门的程序来获取胸壁或肺本身的样本. For example, 他们使用柔性光纤来观察空气通道的内部,并提取样本进行研究.



shutterstock_417331096-resized.jpgValley的肺部康复项目擅长诊断和治疗与肺部和气道相关的问题,如慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)。, emphysema, 肺动脉高压和纤维化. In addition, 综合护理可用于肺癌患者和与肺癌手术相关的患者.

Providers at Pulmonary Rehab treat patients with lung problems such as: 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchiectasis, sarcoidosis, 肺动脉高压, 肺纤维化, 间质性肺病, lung cancer and 肺癌手术, and lung volume reduction surgery before and after lung transplant

肺部康复包括锻炼课程和有关肺部疾病或状况的教育. PR may help you participate in activities with less shortness of breath, as well as teach you how to live better by managing your lung condition. 

Pulmonary rehabilitation helps you improve the quality of your life. 虽然PR不能治愈你的肺病, it can make breathing easier and allow you to experience fewer problems. 

Other benefits include a decrease in the symptoms of your disease or condition; an improvement in your ability to function better in daily life; an increase in your ability to exercise; reduced symptoms of dyspnea and leg pain; a decrease in your symptoms of anxiety and depression and improvement in your ability to manage them; the ability to make the most of the lung function you have; an increase in your overall stamina and energy; reduced hospitalization / unscheduled healthcare visits


pulm rehab.jpgMonitored & 指导下锻炼
肺康复的一个主要重点是通过锻炼来改善你的心肺功能. 这是通过战略性地实施心血管疾病来实现的, strength, flexibility, 呼吸训练协议. 这个由医生主导的项目允许患者在呼吸和运动治疗师的监督下在一个安全的环境中锻炼. 您的课程将个性化,以满足您的任何水平. 

Valley的教育课程侧重于慢性阻塞性肺病, 以及其他慢性肺部疾病, 提供药物信息, their actions, aside effects, using an inhaler and self-care techniques; understanding and using oxygen therapy; retraining breathing; importance of exercise; strategies for managing breathing problems; symptom assessment and knowledge about when to seek medical treatment; reducing and controlling breathing difficulties and other symptoms; earning more about your disease, treatment options and chronic disease coping strategies; learning to manage your disease and reducing your dependence on costly medical resources; maintaining healthy behaviors such as smoking cessation, 良好的营养和体重管理.

People who have chronic lung diseases are more prone to depression, 焦虑和其他情绪问题. By participating in 十大正规网赌软件's 肺康复 program, you will have the support and resources to help you along your healthy lifestyle journey. 

Other Services
学习如何最好地改善你的症状的很大一部分是了解你的身体特定的营养需求. Consult with one of our registered dieticians to identify a healthy nutrition plan. 

如果你一直在处理慢性疼痛, 与物理治疗师会面,以帮助确定达到健身目标的最佳方法. 

shutterstock_280352840-resized.jpg Click here 下载PDF格式的信息带给你的医生. 


Call 425.690.3517 安排咨询 开始你的12周计划. 

Service Locations

北卡温顿诊所| VMC专科护理

16850 SE 272 St St 100
Call 425.690.3484 Fax 425.690.9084

Pulmonary & 睡眠障碍门诊| VMC专科护理

Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.690.3484 Fax 425.690.9084


4033 Talbot Rd. S, Suite 320
Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.690.3517 Fax 425.690.9517

Sleep Center

400 S 43rd Street
Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.690.3543 Fax 425.690.9543